Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Time and Place

Who are 5 people you would like to meet? Why?

- Aaron Rodgers because he is the quarterback of my favorite NFL team (Packers).
- Taylor Lautner (no, not because I like twilight ... never) because our families used to be family friends when they lived in Hudsonville because my dad flew planes with his dad.
- Jesus because ... is that really a question?
- LeBron James because he's my favorite basketball player.
- Will Ferrell because he's funny. 

List 5 events that you wish you were present at? Why? 

- The birth of Christ.
- The signing of the declaration of independence                         
- The creation of Dippin Dots because they are delicious.
- Discovering the U.S.
- The founding of Holland, MI

Muhammad Ali Picture

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Mini Golf About

The Holland Christian High School first hour graphic design class has spent their semester designing and building mini golf holes. There are nine different and unique holes to play. The money that we raise for this fun event will be going to the El Puente Christian School in Costa Rica. This is a bi-lingual school that is partnered with Zeeland Christian School. Donations are being accepted, however there is no fee to get in. We hope to you have fun!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movie Poster Blog Response

What are some recent movies that you really liked?

I really liked the last Harry Potter movie, The Dark Knight Rises, X-Men: First Class, and The Avengers. 
What are some of your all time favorite movies?

School of Rock, The Lord of the Rings Movies, Disturbia, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Transformers.
List 5 movie poster ideas considering characters, a moment, a fixture, etc...

School of Rock - A guitar and drums with drumsticks, from when they perform at battle of the bands. Or a bee with knees, for the bees knees. 

Harry Potter - A wand on the left, with green light coming out of it, a wand on the right with red light coming out of it and them lights meeting in the middle.

Transformers - A head of one of the autobots.

Lord of the Rings - A necklace with a ring on it (like the one Frodo wears) and the evil eye. Or a poster with a bow, an axe, a sword, and a magic staff (symbolizing some of the character's weapons)

Disturbia - A phone and binoculars sitting next to garden clippers.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Typeface Design Plan

Dear Client,

I have thought of some ideas for the three prototype typefaces. My first idea is about the sculptural type. I could possibly make the type out of legos which would really make the colors pop out. Another idea I have, is to make it out of people. This would be cool because it shows how people can be apart of the art, not just be the ones who make it. For the handwritten type, I think I am going to make the type out of smaller drawings, such as a collage but it won't have a specific theme because it will be random things all put together to make art. When colored and finished, it will be interesting to see how it will all fit together to make the letters and numbers. Lastly, I will be making a type digitally. For this, I am going to overlap different colored types over each other, and see what cool designs I am able to come up with. Another thing I could to with this, is I could possibly make it 3D for more visual effect. These are just some of the ideas I have for the type.

Friday, September 7, 2012

#Letter 11

Numbers: 4, 7
Letter: P

#Letter 10

Number: 8
Letters: I, D

#Letter 9

Number: 4
Letters: S, S, D

#Letter 8

Number: 4
Letter: f

#Letter 7

Numbers: 1, 1, 7
Letters: E, R

#Letter 6

Numbers: 2, 4
Letters: E, G

#Letter 5

Number: 3
Letter: I

#Letter 4

Letter: 9
Number: j

#Letter 3

Number: 4
Letter: K

#Letter 2

Number: 5
Letter: H

#Letter 1

Number: 1
Letter: e

Thursday, August 30, 2012


After watching the movie called "Helvetica", I realized how much that font is apart of my life. I never noticed that it was everywhere before, but now that I know how common it is, I will probably see it all over the place. That movie seemed repetitive to me and sometime I couldn't understand what the people with accents were saying, but it was kind of interesting to see how people can do so much with just one font. The people in the movie were creative and had a lot to say about Helvetica. Its funny how we can be so oblivious to the things that are all around you. Since we are talking about helvetica, the font of this post is in helvetica. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Graphic Design?

As we start this year together, what are some of your expectations for a class named Graphic Design? Another way to think about this questions might be to simply ask What is Graphic Design? What are some of the different aspects or elements of Graphic Design? Where do you see it in the world? And what designs influence you? (style, brands, art, etc... Provide pictures for this part please.)

Graphic Design to me, is a way of showing and creating art through technology. This could include logos, advertisements, etc. An expectation I have for this class is that I will learn how to use the computer for art, in ways that I did now know how to before. I expect that I will learn different ways to make a logo or picture look cool. 

One of the elements of Graphic Design is color. Color is a big part of graphic design because it is used to make the picture stick out. This is very important when it comes to advertising because the advertisers want to put something out there that will stick with the people who see it. Shape is also important in graphic design because there can either be simple shapes in a picture, or there can be wacky and crazy shapes. 

Where I see graphic design in the world, is advertising. Billboards and other ads do the best they can to get people to remember them. I also see graphic design on the TV, even a little bit at sports games too. Some designs that influence me are the logos on pop cans. I also like some clothes brand logo designs too. Here are a couple examples of logos I like.