Friday, August 24, 2012

What is Graphic Design?

As we start this year together, what are some of your expectations for a class named Graphic Design? Another way to think about this questions might be to simply ask What is Graphic Design? What are some of the different aspects or elements of Graphic Design? Where do you see it in the world? And what designs influence you? (style, brands, art, etc... Provide pictures for this part please.)

Graphic Design to me, is a way of showing and creating art through technology. This could include logos, advertisements, etc. An expectation I have for this class is that I will learn how to use the computer for art, in ways that I did now know how to before. I expect that I will learn different ways to make a logo or picture look cool. 

One of the elements of Graphic Design is color. Color is a big part of graphic design because it is used to make the picture stick out. This is very important when it comes to advertising because the advertisers want to put something out there that will stick with the people who see it. Shape is also important in graphic design because there can either be simple shapes in a picture, or there can be wacky and crazy shapes. 

Where I see graphic design in the world, is advertising. Billboards and other ads do the best they can to get people to remember them. I also see graphic design on the TV, even a little bit at sports games too. Some designs that influence me are the logos on pop cans. I also like some clothes brand logo designs too. Here are a couple examples of logos I like. 

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