Thursday, October 4, 2012

Typeface Design Plan

Dear Client,

I have thought of some ideas for the three prototype typefaces. My first idea is about the sculptural type. I could possibly make the type out of legos which would really make the colors pop out. Another idea I have, is to make it out of people. This would be cool because it shows how people can be apart of the art, not just be the ones who make it. For the handwritten type, I think I am going to make the type out of smaller drawings, such as a collage but it won't have a specific theme because it will be random things all put together to make art. When colored and finished, it will be interesting to see how it will all fit together to make the letters and numbers. Lastly, I will be making a type digitally. For this, I am going to overlap different colored types over each other, and see what cool designs I am able to come up with. Another thing I could to with this, is I could possibly make it 3D for more visual effect. These are just some of the ideas I have for the type.

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